Best Supply Chain Intelligence Software in 2024

August 2, 2024 · 8 minutes
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Supply chain intelligence is finally gaining the momentum and visibility it deserves. In 2023, Gartner released a comprehensive market guide for analytics and decision intelligence platforms in the supply chain, marking a decisive shift in industry thinking.

Why is supply chain intelligence now recognized as a major breakthrough?

The answer is clear: analytics and AI-powered intelligence significantly enhance decision-making capabilities in the supply chain. Historically, the industry focused mainly on achieving end-to-end visibility, with less emphasis on leveraging this visibility for decision-making. While some tools offered decision support, the full potential of decision augmentation and automation was just beginning to unfold.

Now, supply chain intelligence is effectively bridging this gap, transforming decision-making processes and influencing the industry’s future direction.

Interested in learning more about Decision Intelligence? Check out our blog on AI-powered Supply Chain Decision Intelligence.

Ready to explore the best supply chain intelligence software available? Dive right in.

Best Supply Chain Intelligence Software in 2024

1. Spreadsheets!!

First things first: spreadsheets are not decision intelligence tools.

The mention of spreadsheets here serves as a reminder to move beyond their familiar confines. Today’s market offers a plethora of innovative, new-age solutions that far surpass the capabilities of traditional spreadsheets.

While spreadsheets might be adequate for businesses operating in a single location with a limited range of products, they fall short for rapidly expanding businesses facing the complexities of a growing ecosystem.

As your business scales and diversifies, the need for robust and scalable decision intelligence tools becomes critical. These tools provide strategic insights through real-time data analytics and predictive modeling—capabilities far beyond what any spreadsheet can offer.

2. ThroughPut AI

One of the top supply chain intelligence software solutions, recognized in the prestigious 2023 Gartner market guide, ThroughPut AI leverages artificial intelligence and advanced analytics to optimize supply chain operations. This tool provides actionable insights and recommendations, helping to streamline business processes and reduce waste, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies, all while demonstrating a significant impact on the bottom line.

It utilizes real-time and near-term data across the supply chain to recommend solutions and enhance decision-making capabilities, enabling businesses to operate more efficiently and effectively.

Best Supply Chain Intelligence Software_ThroughPut

Key Benefit #1: Access to non-technical users

ThroughPut AI stands out for its user-friendly interface. It’s straightforward to use, navigate, and interpret, enabling supply chain personnel to effectively use the tool without needing specialized tech or data expertise. This accessibility helps democratize data-driven decision-making, speeding up the decision-making process and making the supply chain more responsive and agile.

Key Benefit #2: Cross-functional decision making

ThroughPut AI supports an integrated approach to decision-making across various functions within the supply chain. As a top supply chain intelligence software, it helps break down traditional silos by providing a unified platform for data analysis and insights.

The tool aids in aligning workflows across all departments, including procurement, production, logistics, and sales. This cross-functional collaboration enables the creation of a cohesive chain, with synchronized planning and execution aligned toward common goals and strategies. Consequently, decisions made in one department support the objectives and constraints of others, ensuring a more streamlined and effective supply chain operation.

Key Benefit #3: Faster ROI

ThroughPut AI is designed to deliver a return on investment within 90 days. This efficiency is achieved by leveraging existing data, which accelerates returns and avoids the time-consuming processes associated with data migration and integration.

One of the key advantages of ThroughPut AI is its ability to implement small-scale changes that yield immediate results. This outcome-driven approach prioritizes quick wins and tangible outcomes, making it a practical option for companies looking to see rapid benefits without undertaking large-scale digital transformations.

For instance, ThroughPut AI worked with a cement manufacturer to enhance operational efficiency and generate substantial savings. The manufacturer was considering purchasing new trucks to increase capacity. However, by analyzing the existing data, ThroughPut AI identified underutilized capacities and resolved bottlenecks, optimizing the existing capacity and eliminating the need for new trucks, thus delivering significant financial benefits.

Key Benefit #4: Identify the area with the fastest and most improvement potential

ThroughPut AI provides a comprehensive view of your entire supply chain, pinpointing areas with the greatest potential for improvement. Unlike other tools, ThroughPut AI focuses on identifying opportunities that yield the most optimized results and the quickest impact.

This strategic approach ensures that efforts are concentrated on initiatives that deliver the most significant benefits in the shortest amount of time. By doing so, it helps avoid the dispersion of resources across multiple projects simultaneously, allowing for a more focused and effective allocation of efforts.

Key Benefit #5: Supply Chain-finance integration

ThroughPut AI has gained recognition in the supply chain intelligence software market for its ability to integrate supply chain operations with financial insights. Its intuitive dashboard provides an end-to-end view of each supply chain decision and its impact on profitability. This integration ensures that ThroughPut AI’s recommendations go beyond improving operational efficiency to include the net financial effects of every operational choice. This approach eliminates the need for siloed efforts by the finance team to align supply chain optimization with the financial objectives of the organization.

Net Profit Impact Summary Supply Chain

When to Choose ThroughPut AI?

  • When you don’t have the time for a large-scale digital transformation that may or may not yield ROI: This tool is apt for you when you require a quick and effective solution minus the lengthy and uncertain processes associated with large-scale digital transformations. ThroughPut AI delivers rapid and tangible results in 90 days without the complexities and time constraints associated with extensive digital overhauls.
  • When you need faster ROI to build a proof of concept for more budgets: Use ThroughPut AI if your objective is to gain a faster return on investments. This helps demonstrate success in securing additional funding and showcases the results within 90 days, providing a solid proof of concept to justify further budget allocations.
  • When you are in doubt about your data and other vendors have told you that you need to go through a data transformation process before anything else: Not too sure about your data quality? Have the other vendors been insisting on preliminary data transformation? Choose ThroughPut AI. It leverages your company’s existing data – no requirement for a complete data overhaul, or worries about data quality. This particular aspect helps expedite better and immediate insights into improvements and recommendations. 
  • When you are looking for a tool that can be customized for your industry: If you are looking for a customizable solution that can be tailored to your industry-specific needs, ThroughPut AI should be your go-to preference. The platform is customizable ensuring analytics and recommendations are relevant and actionable for you.

3. Conversight

It is a leading supply chain intelligence software with a focus on operational efficiency and strategic decision-making. It works with AI, machine learning, and predictive analytics to offer real-time insights. 


  • Tracks supply chain activities in real time
  • Anticipates demand fluctuations, supply disruptions, and other potential challenges
  • An intuitive dashboard to visualize data and access critical information.
  • Conversight integrates with existing ERP and other supply chain management systems 


  • Provides real-time insights helping in more informed and strategic decision-making
  • The tool identifies inefficiencies and optimizes processes leading to significant improvements in operational efficiency
  • Costly disruptions and overstock situations are prevented, contributing to substantial cost savings
  • The software is scalable and grows with your business without compromising performance

4. Aera Technology

Aera Technology works with cognitive automation for transformative supply chain operations. With the integration of AI, machine learning, and real-time analytics, Aera offers actionable insights and automated decision-making capabilities.


  • Cognitive automation for informed and timely decisions
  • Continuous analysis of real-time data
  • Advanced algorithms to forecast future trends and potential disruptions


  • Identifies and addresses inefficiencies, leading to streamlined operations and reduced operational costs
  • Businesses can strategize risk management strategies minimizing the impact of disruptions on the supply chain

5. Peak.AI

Designed to leverage the advantages of artificial intelligence, Peak.AI facilitates optimized decision-making with actionable insights. Businesses that use this comprehensive suite of tools benefit from agile supply chains that meet the diverse needs of their businesses.


  • Advanced AI algorithms to analyze supply chain data
  • Predictive analytics to forecast demand, identify potential disruptions and optimize inventory levels
  • Real-time monitoring and reporting


  • AI-driven insights facilitate informed and strategic decisions
  • Streamline operations and reduce costs by identifying inefficiencies and optimizing processes
  • Scalable to support a business as it grows

6. Tellius

Another tool on the list of the best supply chain intelligence software in 2024 is Tellius. Working with AI and advanced analytics, the tool helps drive operational efficiency and excellence. Tellius simplifies complex data analysis, offering businesses valuable and practical insights for improved decision-making, converting your supply chain into an agile and efficient system.


  • Analyzes large volumes of supply chain data 
  • Interacts with users using natural language queries
  • Provides up-to-date information on supply chain performance
  • Customizable dashboards to visualize key metrics and track performance indicators


  • More accurate and strategic decisions, improving overall supply chain effectiveness
  • Streamlined operations and cost reductions help identify inefficiencies and provide actionable recommendations
  • Accessible to users from all technical backgrounds, and easy to adopt across the organization

Optimize Your Supply Chain with ThroughPut AI

ThroughPut AI is an AI-driven supply chain decision intelligence tool distinguished by its comprehensive capabilities. It assists supply chain managers in prioritizing decisions based on their potential impacts and seamlessly integrates these decisions with the organization’s overall profitability goals. The tool effectively utilizes existing data infrastructure and offers customization options to align with specific business requirements, significantly accelerating ROI—potentially increasing it by up to five times. This enables organizations to surpass traditional decision-making limitations and enhance operational efficiency.

We recommend trying ThroughPut AI for your supply chain intelligence needs. As the creators of this tool, we believe in its benefits, and an evaluation will likely demonstrate its value to you without any risk.

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Anita Raj
Product Marketing Specialist